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Obera/Allurion Balloon Procedure Support.

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At Tailored Wellbeing we understand that undergoing the Obera or Allurion Balloon Procedure can be a significant step towards your health and well-being goals. As dietitian’s, our role is to provide you with personalized dietary and lifestyle support to help you achieve long-term success before, during and after the gastric balloon to help you achieve long-term success.

  • Initial Dietitian $170.00 (1 hour)
  • Review $110.00 (30 mins)

At Tailored Wellbeing we understand that undergoing the Obera or Allurion Balloon Procedure can be a significant step towards your health and well-being goals. As dietitian’s, our role is to provide you with personalized dietary and lifestyle support to help you achieve long-term success before, during and after the gastric balloon to help you achieve long-term success.

  • Initial Dietitian $170.00 (1 hour)
  • Review $110.00 (30 mins)
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Our Approach.

We take a comprehensive approach to your nutrition and lifestyle, considering your individual needs, preferences, and goals. Our main objective is to provide you with practical advice and strategies to ensure we work towards healthier nutrition, boost weight loss outcomes, and enhance overall well-being.

Our first step is to understand your current dietary habits, medical history, and lifestyle factors. This assessment helps us tailor our recommendations to your specific situation.

Based on your assessment, we will create customized meal plans that meet your nutritional requirements and align with your weight loss goals. These plans will take into account any dietary restrictions or preferences you may have.

We will educate you about the importance of balanced nutrition, portion control, and mindful eating. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to make healthy food choices independently.

We provide guidance on behaviour modification techniques to help you develop healthier eating habits and make sustainable lifestyle changes. Our strategies focus on overcoming challenges, managing emotional eating, and maintaining a positive relationship with food.

We will schedule regular follow-up sessions to track your progress, address any concerns or questions, and make necessary adjustments to your dietary plan. These sessions will ensure ongoing support throughout your journey.

As you transition from the balloon procedure to a regular diet, we will guide you on how to maintain your weight loss and continue following healthy eating habits. We can provide recommendations for portion control, food choices, and planning balanced meals.

We are committed to helping you achieve your desired weight loss and improve your overall health. Our dietitians will work closely with you to provide continuous support, motivation, and nutritional guidance throughout your journey with the Obera or Allurion Balloon Procedure.

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Take the next step.

If you are interested in our dietitian services for Obera and Allurion Balloon Procedure Dietary and Lifestyle Support, please contact us to schedule an appointment or alternatively check out our available packages. Our team is eager to help you on your path to a healthier, happier life.

Our partnered surgeons.

  • Brisbane General and Obesity Surgery Brisbane
  • Aaron Lim and Jason Wong

Get in touch.

Our team of experienced nutritionists and dietitians are here to help and would love to hear from you.

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Free eBook

The 5 Secrets to break free from chronic dieting!